Sunday, December 17, 2006

Snow, damnit!

Alright, before all of you start to call those cool guys with the leet straight jackets let me explain. I am going to visit the 'rents in Washington state over the holiday break. I go there for two reasons. One of which is to see the parents, friends, other family members, oh and someone else this year... But more importantly I need to get my snow quota for the year. I grew up in Washington state, where we get 3-4 months of snow and as far as I recollect we never had a Christmas that was not white, with like a foot or more of snow.

Well, this year Spokane had 3-6 inches of snow for the last month, up until about last week when it started to rain. This is the second year that it was raining instead of snowing leading up to Christmas, and I m sick of it. I would like to blame the self proclaimed Harbinger Of Doom but it happened last year as well as this year, so I don't think it is (completely) his fault.

At any rate, I am tired of this lack of snow over the holidays, so I am making a simple demand of the Spokane area weather people. Either stockpile the snow that you get every year over thanksgiving, or simply move the entire city about 60 miles north. I guess we could just fill in the entire town and build the entire city about 2000 feet higher than its current elevation, that wouldn't be so bad either.

I think these are rather simple demands, as all I want is some snow while I am home for the holidays. How had is it to make that happen!!?!

Game On!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The most ice (snow) I've ever seen was in a Giant Margarita at the Kon-Tiki.

- Enrique

2:13 PM  

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