Sunday, June 25, 2006

Convention Season

Anime Expo (and Origins) are right around the corner, and if you know what those are, you know what they represent. They are the kickoff the the Summer Convention season which is the best time of year for any gamer. Sure non-gamers look down on us all as geeks, freaks, nerds, fat bastards, but this is our time of year to shine, re-aquaint ourselves with people we haven't seen for 9 months or so.

This is my first time away from Origins, and I will miss it. Don't get me wrong, I hear great things about Anime Expo, and am looking forward to seeing old friends and making new friends, but I won't be playing my first ever card game (Star Trek) and in some way it seems like maybe I have lost something. Maybe I am just being nostalgic in my old age.

I played in the Magic Limited tournament, and despite a very poor starting, I was able to salvage the day with 3 straight victories... I know it means less to go 3-3 losing your first three and then winning the last three, but it was a start, and after seeing some of the cards I excluded in my decklist in action, I came to the conclusion that I was basically handicaping myself for the first game of each match. Oddly enough I was almost 50% with wins, which means, I lost badly or won confidantly in each of my matches. However I look on that tournament as simply a building point to move forward.

The Girard, Jay Webb and Ray Powers were all there, and it sure was nice to see them all again, it has been a while. I met some really nice players, and some players that... well they take the game WAY to seriously. Do I really want to become a Pro-tour player for Magic? Not if I have to act like that. I mean, I can act like that, I just don't want to be required to at a big event...

Anyway, this is a great week. Tuesday is Superman Returns, Wednesday is playtesting for the big convention weekend, Thursday is packing, Friday is FNM and leaving for the convention. Oh, and I guess I should sleep and other stuff to get ready... =) At any rate this is leading up to the best time of the year for me and I can't wait!!!

Game On!


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