Tuesday, July 25, 2006

What would you lie for?

I am posting this based on an experience I had at ComicCon, that hopefully did not make this particular individual truely upset at me. I hope he is only joking when he says "Your dead to me".

G4 was at ComicCon interviewing players that happend to walk by a booth, asking them to do an interview about Game Y, if they liked it and what they thought of it. I am friends with people that work for Company Z who make Y, but I am not particularly a fan of Y. If I can be blunt, I think that Y is a waste of a license, and that the initial brokenness of the mechanics involved create an unbalanced organized play environment. Many changes need to be implimented to fix this inherant flaw in the execution of what appears to be a fluent design. I could have said this, on camera, and really had a negative impact on Y, but I declined, citing that I really did not want to say what I have to say on camera. They accepted this and moved on.

However this seemed to upset someone that I would not talk good about the game his company makes. I really like this individual, and want to be able to work with him in the future, but I wonder if he really wanted me to lie to people? I know he didn't want me to tell them bad things about his game on camera, so was he expecting me to lie for him?

I am not sure, which brings me back to my initial question. What would you lie for? There are things that I would lie about, to make others feel good when they really need it. Most "mom jokes" are lies (except that one night with Girard's Mom...) and a number of times I will lie to players that I am teaching a game to, that they are not retards and that they should still play game XYZ. But lying, on camera, for no real benefit, except to boost some sales seems like the wrong thing to me.

So to that individual that I saw this weekend, if you are truely offended I am sorry. I just won't lie about a game. I hope you (and everyone) can respect that, because if I say your game is good, I hope you will realize that it IS a good game in my mind, and that I am not delivering you lip service, and if I have nothing to say at all, well, you get the idea... =)

Game On


Blogger Unknown said...

Wow...good question. Allow me to more clearly define some terms before I answer. Lying, to me, is stating something that is untrue, or leading someone to believe an untruth, with malicious intent. Things like telling your wife you were late at work when you were realy cheating on her, falsifying financial records/taxes, Telling your parents you didn't have your frineds over while they were on vacation when you really had a party there and got down, etc....that's lying. It would take a lot for me to lie at this point. I lied to my parents when I was younger, but at this point in my life, why lie in general? What do I have to be afraid of?

As for telling "white lies" or fibbing , that's different. For things like keeping surprise birthday engagements, telling someone that quality monitoring has already been done at work when it really hasn't so that it's more authentic, even potentially saving a friend's marriage...those are things that I would probably fib for.

In the situation you listed, I wouldn't have fibbed.

9:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be honest, my definition of a lie and the truth is very grey-ish (fuzzy). I probably would have said something that sounded positive, but in the end we really my true feelings (which might have been negative).

i.e. "I think this game is much better than the SW:TCG game that I used play." "I forsee this exceeding Decipher's Edge of the Sword sales in one month's time." "If Harry Potter can be a card game, so can this one too!"

Stuff like that!

- Enrique

3:44 PM  
Blogger Mkae said...


Of course I was kidding with you! I would not want you to say something that you didn't believe. It was just something to rag on you for. :)

Not offended, and we're totally cool. Except for the fact that you're dead to me.

See you at GenCon?

9:28 PM  
Blogger BubbaJoe said...

Thanks Mark. And I will definately see you at GenCon!!!

12:15 PM  
Blogger TheGirard said...

lol....marnie and I were trying to figure out who it was before we clicked the comments.

I have a new game for you Mr. Beal ;)

9:34 PM  

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